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How much did we do?

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How much did we do? Empty How much did we do?

Post  Ben Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:17 pm

Layne made a comment in the Guestbook(Which I removed) asking which one of us did more on the site.Actually,it is sorta tied.We both thought of ideas and told them to eachother.(1 point for both).Then I helped Mr.Don put it on the site.(Dylan did some,me+Mr.Don a point,Dylan 1/2).Once it was done,Mr.Don uploaded it.(1 point Mr.Don)I uploaded more.(1 point me)
So it was sorta the following:
I did 3 things,
Dylan did 1 1/2,
and Mr. Don did 2.
But actually if you were into this,Mr.Don and Dylan did a bit more than me.I was suprised this was the results.

Posts : 247
Join date : 2008-10-16
Location : Southport,FL

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