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Dylan and Ben for dummies

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Dylan and Ben for dummies Empty Dylan and Ben for dummies

Post  Ben Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:14 pm

So you already have an account on the forum.Do you know that most of you are still not done?
Let me show you how to finalize your account.
When you are logged in,this is what you see across the top:
Home,FAQ,Search,Memberlist,Usergroups,Profile,You have no/# new messages,Log out [YourName]
Click profile.Once you click that,you can edit many things.Look around.The 3 most important things you want to do are your (a)avatar,(b)signature,and (c)personal information(Not too much!Maybe just your gender,site,ect. NOTHING THAT TELLS STUFF TOO PERSONAL).
You may think of another kind of avatar.No,this one is not a person.This one is what you see on your posts and member page.It is a small icon(square) that is (most of the time) funny.Like for example,if you want to find a cool avatar,check out this page!
A signature most of the time is whatever you feel like you just want to shout out to everyone.This forum hoster,sadly,only accepts words.So sorry,only pics on your avatar and posts.
Stick to little if not no information.Try
Birth date(Do not do the year!ONLY and I mean ONLY do day and month.Mine is the 16th of the 8th month.(August 16th)See how I did that without slipping out my age?(You already know my age.)

Posts : 247
Join date : 2008-10-16
Location : Southport,FL

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